Using Your Camera with Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers 您所在的位置:网站首页 fujifilm camera 安卓 Using Your Camera with Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers

Using Your Camera with Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers

2024-06-30 20:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Using Your Camera with Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers

This guide covers how you can use your camera with smartphones and tablets running iOS, iPadOS, or Android™ and computers running macOS or Windows.

Using the Camera with Smartphones and Tablets Using the Camera with Computers Using the Camera with Smartphones and Tablets

Using a dedicated application, you can download pictures to your smartphone or tablet, share location data with the camera to be added to pictures, and control the camera remotely. With some operating systems and cameras, you can also save and load camera settings banks and use your camera with Fujifilm’s network service.

Different applications are available for different operating systems and cameras.

Be sure to update to the camera firmware to the latest version.

Choose your operating system and camera below.


When the camera and your smartphone or tablet are connected via Bluetooth or wireless LAN, you can:

download pictures from the camera to your smartphone or tablet, upload location data to the camera and add it to pictures, control the camera and take pictures remotely, save and load camera settings banks, and use Fujifilm’s network service to view your shooting activity (supported countries only).

When the camera and your smartphone or tablet are connected via Bluetooth or wireless LAN, you can:

download pictures from the camera to your smartphone or tablet, upload location data to the camera and add it to pictures, and control the camera and take pictures remotely.



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Using the Camera with Computers

The following tasks can be performed when the camera is connected to a computer.

Tethered shooting (supported cameras only) Processing RAW pictures using the camera’s image processing engine Automatically uploading pictures to the computer as they are taken (supported cameras only) Downloading shooting data from the camera memory card

The features available vary with the camera.

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